SUBLOCADE®/SUBUTEX® Prolonged-release Injection
Indivior will consider providing funding and/or SUBLOCADE® (buprenorphine extended-release) injection for subcutaneous use
(CIII)/SUBUTEX® Prolonged-release Injection for ESS Program proposals that align with its current areas of research interest.
- Regarding the treatment of opioid use disorder with SUBLOCADE®/SUBUTEX® Prolonged-release Injection, these are:
- Improving treatment adherence; preventing/reducing relapse, overdose, and abuse/misuse/diversion
- Evaluating long-term treatment outcomes (including real-world evidence, quality-of-life assessments, and health economic assessments)
- Optimizing treatment/treatment strategies across the treatment continuum (i.e., initiation, maintenance, cessation)
- Evaluation in special populations, sub-populations, patients at risk, and underserved patients
Support of scientific research (utilizing SUBLOCADE®/SUBUTEX® Prolonged-release Injection) regarding opioid use
disorder to establish a proof of concept or to confirm mechanism of action
- Addressing unmet medical needs for patients with opioid use disorder
Exploring the Cascade of Care1 as a clinical framework to improve treatment outcomes by studying patients’ progress
through the full continuum of care from diagnosis to recovery
SUBOXONE® (studies conducted outside of the United States only)
Indivior will consider providing funding and/or SUBOXONE® (buprenorphine and naloxone) sublingual film, for sublingual or buccal use,
CIII for ESS proposals that align with its areas of research interest for studies conducted outside of the United States only.
- Regarding the treatment of opioid use disorder with SUBOXONE® sublingual film, these are:
- Improving treatment adherence; preventing/reducing relapse and overdose
- Evaluating long-term treatment outcomes (including real-world evidence, quality-of-life assessments, and health economic assessments)
- Evaluation in sub-populations, patients at risk, and underserved patients
Support of scientific research (utilizing SUBOXONE® sublingual film) regarding opioid use disorder
to establish a proof of concept or to confirm mechanism of action
- Addressing unmet medical needs for patients with opioid use disorder
Exploring the Cascade of Care1 as a clinical framework to improve treatment outcomes by studying patients’ progress
through the full continuum of care from diagnosis to recovery
1Williams AR et al. Development of a Cascade of Care for Responding to the Opioid Epidemic. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse.
2019;45(1):1-10. doi: 10.1080/00952990.2018.1546862. Epub 2019 Jan 24. PMID: 30675818
SUBLOCADE® and SUBOXONE® (studies conducted within the United States)
SUBOXONE® sublingual film alone will not be provided for studies conducted in the United States.
Indivior will consider providing support for the following:
Studies that meet at least one of the applicable ESS areas of research interest for SUBLOCADE® AND in which SUBOXONE® sublingual film or a
generic transmucosal buprenorphine/naloxone product as described in the SUBLOCADE® Prescribing Information for the purpose of initiating
SUBLOCADE® treatment following induction with a transmucosal buprenorphine-containing product, may be considered for support in the form
of funding, or SUBLOCADE® and SUBOXONE® sublingual film, or both funding and SUBLOCADE®/SUBOXONE®. SUBOXONE®
sublingual film alone will not be provided for studies conducted within the United States.
Studies that meet at least one of the applicable ESS areas of research interest for SUBLOCADE® AND in which SUBOXONE® sublingual
film or a generic transmucosal buprenorphine/naloxone product in a manner other than as described in the SUBLOCADE®
Prescribing Information for the purpose of initiating SUBLOCADE® treatment following induction with a transmucosal buprenorphine-containing
product may be considered for support in the form of SUBLOCADE® only.
Studies which support Opioid Use Disorder research, and which do not include the use of SUBLOCADE®/SUBUTEX®
Prolonged-release Injection, or SUBOXONE®
Indivior will consider providing funding only for ESS Program proposals that align with the following area of research interest:
- Addressing unmet medical needs for patients with opioid use disorder